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Lock/unlock cartridge...


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I've read on several locations that one can load the unlocked saved logs to Wherigo.com. I am bit confused when building a cartridge (just built my first one).


So how does this work? Do I have to set some status and then at the end? I just said that cartridge is complete. Should I be doing something else?


What about the unlock code? I couldn't find that either. Ponder.


Thanks for the help :D

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at the end, you need to set cartridge to complete. it should one of the options in the list of possible actions.

if you do that, the users can then save the game and unlock by uploading the gws file


you can also show the unlock code to the player in a message box, but i don't remember the code now

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at the end, you need to set cartridge to complete. it should one of the options in the list of possible actions.

if you do that, the users can then save the game and unlock by uploading the gws file


Cool! This is exactly what I did. I just didn't see the "unlock" portion and figured that is different. Oh well, my first cartridge attempt.


Pretty cool, however builder is pretty time consuming :grin:

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I had pretty much the same question and yesterday I did a search of the forum for the term unlock . Lots of good information there.


There are two ways to complete a cartridge. The first, and probably preferred, way is to set the Complete attribute of the cartridge to true and save the cartridge. The user can upload the gws file to unlock/complete on the Wherigo site. This method can be done from the Builder. The second way is to display the CompletionCode. When a person downloads a cartridge a unique code is placed in the cartridge that the use can use to unlock. The code can be displayed in a message box at the end of the game using the following Lua code

[[You survived, your completion code is :]] .. Player.CompletionCode

The user can enter this code to unlock/complete on the Wherigo site.


Of course that begs the question of why do you have to unlock/complete a cartridge on line in the first place. My opinion is that most people would be happy to play a cartridge that simply displays a message when you are are done: "Congratulations, you have finished the game". Seems one should be able to log into the online site an post comments on the game whether you finished it or not. If you want have a completed log type and not completed log type you could simply have used an honor system. All this extra confusion of unlock codes and uploading completed cartridges is just causing people to worry too much about how to keep people from extracting completionCodes with an editor and unlocking cartridges they never played. It's like virtual caches that have a completion certificate you are suppose to open using a key you find at the site. These are an invitation to armchair loggers who either find the key on internet or just use brute force methods to open the certificate.

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