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Hiding A Cache?


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It will not be held against you at all. Seeing that you're new, the reviewer may give it a tad more scrutiny than he would with someone with a reputation for many hides and following the guidelines.


But if your cache conforms to the guidelines it will be listed as readily as someone with 1000 finds.

Edited by briansnat
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I have only been caching a short time.  I would like to hide a few caches.  I have several location picked out but want to know if only having 9 finds will be held against me?  Comments?

Having only a few finds will not be a problem for you getting your cache listed as long as you follow the guidelines briansnat posted. Just take your time and do it right and enjoy placing it!


Thank you for your addition to the game.



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I'm going to go against the grain here and say that it may be held against you. I've seen numerous posts by people who think that hiding a good cache requires numerous finds. Don't listen to them. I've found very good caches that were placed by relatively new cachers. I've also found mediocre caches placed by seasoned cachers.


If you have a good idea for a cache placement, go for it. Let the finders decide if it's a good cache. Remember, the best revenge is massive success. :D

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If I see someone with only a handful of finds hide a new cache near me, odds are I'll wait until a few other people have found it before I rush out to look for it.


I wouldn't consider it holding anything against the cache hider, but I just want to be sure they know how to average the coordinates so I'm not looking in the wrong spot 150 feet from where the cache really is (been there, done that already).

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What? No test for noobs to take? :D


I think what has been said previousily is right on the money. You'll do just fine if you follow the guidelines and be very upfront with your Reviewer. Too much information is better than a little. If in doubt, email the area approver with questions. Most of them are more than willing to help. :D



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Go for it!


We of the Alabama Geocaching Association (AGA) promote geocaching to all and try to get new cachers into the game, especially by inviting them to attend our monthly meetings.


I usually do gift-caches at these meetings; last month I gave away 10 stocked traditional (ammo box) caches as door and game prizes. The new players often win these and we encourage them to place them at their leisure.


We usually do some GPS-usage training for new folks, and play games at the meetings that involve hiding the caches and finding them by GPS, so the new folks do have some idea how to get and go to accurate coords.


After that, even with 0 finds, they're good to go try their first hide. If it's not right somehow, the Reviewer or geocachers that seek it will help them get it right.


Thanks for your hides, every one makes the game better for all!



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Just as several folks have commented on, there is nothing in the guidelines that states a minimum number of found caches that are required before placing a cache. However, over at Geocacher U, Cybret provides a great discussion. His discourse on Elements of Style is also helpful to review, along with the GC guidelines, of course, prior to placing a cache, especially your first.


In my limited experience, if a cache abides by all guidelines, it will get approved. I would not advise someone to place "a novel type of cache that “pushes the envelope” to some degree" (as described in the guidelines) until a cacher has a good number of caches under their belt and understand exactly what "envelope" they are trying to "push." In a "pushed envelope" case, the great council of reviewers is called upon :rolleyes:, but I digress....


Oh, just a sidenote for forum readers. The Hide & Seek page shows the guidelines were last updated on 2/14/05, but the guidelines were last updated 11/02/05. Just a friendly public-service announcement. :P

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I agree with the majority of the responses here. Find history shouldn't be held against you. But I'll add this advice: You'll learn a great deal about hiding from the responses you receive from your first hide. Wait to make your second hide until the first has at least several finds so that your second cache can be even better.


Work hard to make the coordinates accurate. Mark the hide and see how repeatable the coordinates are. Folks hunting this hide will be quick to question the coordinates based on your newness to the sport. Don't give them any opportunity to do this and you'll gain a lot of credibility.


Also use a good container like a well-marked ammo can if possible. That way the micro-haters won't be prejudiced, and it won't leak like our first high-quality tupperware container did.


Keep it simple so that difficulty and terrain aren't subject to interpretation because this is another area that seekers will judge you extra hard on. Don't let them. You may want to correspond with the first couple of finders to get their take on the hide and its details and if there are any issues you can fix them right away.


To make a short story long, you learn how to hide well by placing hides. Lots of cachers with bazillion finds hide super lame caches, and lots of relatively new cachers hide great caches.


I'm rooting for you, go for it.


- T of TandS

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I'll be direct as possible, so don't take this personally.


Some people will hold your "low find count" against you, if your first hide results in an unpleasant experience. Here are some examples:


- Inaccurate coordinates

- Unremarkable location

- Needle in a haystack hide


These are pretty much what others have mentioned above, but I made it short to be direct... and besides the Geocaching Guidelines mentioned above, don't forget to read Hiding Your First Geocache tutorial.


Personally, I won't hold it against you since I already know that there are factors other than find counts that influence your style of hide. Hopefully, a veteran cacher will come to your assistance if your first hide becomes a problem (we have such people in our area, by the way).


It doesn't hurt to have a thick skin either, especially if someone has a bad day and posts an unflattering log. :anitongue:

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I have only been caching a short time. I would like to hide a few caches. I have several location picked out but want to know if only having 9 finds will be held against me? Comments?

You're best approach to this hide, would to go out and find a few for "reference". Not 50, but maybe into the 20's.


-Take into account how much traffic the area recieves.

-If a cache is off trail, will cachers possibly be stepping on delicate and precious plants?

-Is the location rewarding enough to place a cache?


In no way should you rush to place a cache. <b>All bad caches were placed by cachers who feel obligated to place a cache for the sake of placing a cache.</b>


What until you have inspiration rather than intimidation as the fire under you to push you to hide a cache.


Follow all guidelines, and don't rush to place urban micros. Rushing those caches turns into a mess.


Good luck. :anitongue:

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A newbie in our area (3 finds) has placed a cache: GCRB5Z. We hesitated to do a night hunt because it said "A fall from the crossing would be life threatening." and the cacher had limited finds. We decided to wait until daylight. Some local cachers went today in the daylight and found this cache to be 117m at 302degrees away from the posted coords. What's the best way to deal with this? My first instinct is to suggest that cachers should have a minimum number of finds before being allowed to list a cache on GC.com. We think the gc.com website suggested we wait until we had found a significant number of caches under our belt before we hid one and we think that was good advice.


Also, another cacher in Vancouver has 22 finds and 3 hides, one without a log book and one which has been temporarily archived because it is too far from the listed coords. The cacher 'deifenbaker' seems to be in need of a mentor. If we were closer we'd offer to help them get the most out of this game; we haven't been around for ages, but we've seen how the game is played and caches are hid.

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:lol: Where do I find the e-mail info for my local reviewer?

Find a cache near you that was recently listed. One of the first logs on the cache will be a PUBLISHED log. Since you are in California there are several reviewers, so find a cache close to you and that should get you started. If it turns out it is not them, they can point you in the right direction.


edit: Looks like your reviewer would be WestCoastAdmin. I would start there.

Edited by Quiggle
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It will not be held against you but when you hide the cache.


1) Make sure your GPS is running and locked on for at least 15 minutes, it will take that long to get a good reading. Once you hide the cache walk away and start a goto to see how close you get to it.


2) Hide cache before you submit it, lots of cachers like to be fitst to find and will leave to search for the cache the minute it get approves. Or when you submit the cacher leave a note that you have not placed the cache and have it disabled untill you place it.

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