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calendar in my profile


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The description says it all, but I'll add, no bolded numbers for the dates when things were found.


But I'd like to add then for benchmarks, when going back in time using the < link, I do not see ANY benchmarks for the month that I most recently found SOME benchmarks. Is the http://www.geocaching.com/my/benchmarks.aspx link broken?


This does seem to be the case for travel bugs in http://www.geocaching.com/my/travelbugs.aspx for all months except for THIS very month. So I guess that's probably why my prior paragrph also does not work.


Actually I can't seem to use < to go back in time for geocaches in http://www.geocaching.com/my/geocaches.aspx at all so maybe that's broken too!


I get the following very consistantly:

Your request has resulted in an error.


You may choose to retry your previous request.


Or you may tell us what you were doing when this error occurred.

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