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GAGB Guidelines


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This is NOT a topic about caches in dry stone walls - that's been done to death in the past.


A series of posts about Dry Stone Walls on the nwcaching forum brought a thought to mind. How many cachers in the UK are aware of the GAGB guidelines? I appreciate that most of the people on this forum are aware, but what about the 'average' cacher?


I know that I wasn't aware of the guidelines when I started - I only found out when I looked to hide my first cache.


In the Particular instance of Dry Stone Walls, I'd not have started pulling one to pieces anyway. But if Joe Cacher isn't aware of the 'no DSW' rule (I say rule as it's a definitely NOT allowed) or the precarious nature of some such structures, then they might unintentionally get caching a bad name with landowners.


The point I'm trying to make is that the UK-specific guidelines/rules should be a bit more visible to finders on the general caching site. At the moment, the placing guidelines won't be read by those only looking to find caches. Could all UK caches have a link to the GAGB site/guidelines added automatically? A bit like the insertion of links to streetmap.co.uk and quoting of OS Grid Refs.

I guess it could also apply to other countries if they have local guidelines along the same line. Just a simple line in the cache heading - e.g. In United Kingdom - See local caching guidelines


If this is the wrong forum (possibly could get lost in the 'Geocaching.com website' forum) then I'm sure a friendly moderator will move it.

Edited by Guanajuato
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It looks like the correct forum to me as it's a UK-specific problem.


I've read the NW Caching forum thread and I agree that it's a bit hit-and-miss at the moment. I suspect that people don't realise what the real problem is: it's not that the cache is hidden behind a loose stone in the wall which might become more loose, it's that each seeker won't know which stone, and may move several before finding the right one. Over a year and perhaps fifty attempts that could be several hundred stones moved: which won't do much for the structure of the wall.


But if there's no mention of a wall in the text, the reviewer can't stop the cache publication.


The only solution I can think of it that the reviewer e-mails a copy of the GAGB guidelines to the cache setter when approving the cache, along with a message "Cache approved, but please check the attached. If your cache doesn't follow all these guidelines please disable it and get in touch with me so that we can resolve the matter together.".

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HH - That would certainly address the placer being aware of the guidelines. But that's up to the reviewers.


Caches in DSWs isn't the real issue here, its the awareness of the guidelines in the first place. Caches in DSWs is just an example of where not being aware of the guidelines could result in future difficulty.


As I said, I found out about the GAGB guidelines because I was placing a cache - though I can't actually remember the route I found it - probably through the sticky on this forum. I'd have thought most people placing would do a little more research first.


I've just had a look, and the 'Hiding your first geocache' or 'Listing Guidelines' should provide links to localised guidelines, where they exist. There's this bit of text:

In addition, there may be local regulations already in place for certain types of parks in your region (state parks, county preserves, etc.). There are many local caching organizations that would be able to help you out with those regulations. If your area does not have a local caching organization please contact your local reviewer for information on regulations. If you have complied with special regulations by obtaining a permit, please state this on your cache page or in a 'note to the reviewer'. A reviewer may request that you provide contact information for the person who gave you permission to hide your cache.

This would seem the ideal place to put a link to a list of 'local' caching organisations. I realise it could be quite a big list!


However, the placement guidelines are less likely to be looked at by those who only find caches, as the information on the GC website doesn't mention them in the finding a cache section. The obvious place to make finder aware would be in the 'Finding your First Geocache' and the 'Getting Started' pages - a link could be provided to the guidelines, saying to bear the placement guidelines in mind when searching.

I'll be putting a link to the GAGB & the guidelines on my cache pages. I know several cache hiders already do.


Maybe its more general that the GAGB guidelines - the whole set of placement guidelines should be made more visible to first-time finders.


So the question has now become...

Should the Geocache Placement Guidelines be referred to in the 'Finding your first cache' and 'Getting Started' page?


Therefore should this thread go across to the Geocaching Website forum? :anibad:

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