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"Server is too busy"


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I've seen it a few times, but each time its been no where near as bad as what we were all up in arms about before... Its only lagged pretty bad, never timed out this go round...


I just hope we're not building up to what we had before...


I wonder with the everything working semi-smoothly now, are they still looking at upgrading to that other software????


It would be cool, if they had a Current Projects and status updates page, that was either a goecaching.com page or a pinned post in the forum... That is unless they already have it and I just did not see it... I hate it when I come up with what I think is a great idea and someones like, Uhhh, we've had that for 2 years now, just click here ..............

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Why does it take three minutes to download a single waypoint? The site is GARBAGE. I have so much trouble with this crappy server moving at a snail pace all the time. I never know what to expect when I try to get a series of waypoints for a run. I am so frustrated with this. What the hell do we pay for premium membership for anyway????

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PHOOOEEYYY! Took 80 minutes to get 26 waypoints for an afternoon run, PATHETICALLY SLOW (but at least it worked). GRRRR! I might start doing downloads and logs late at night or early AM. Don't see what else I can do to make this work better (obviously GC.com doesn't care to fix this on-going problem...).



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PHOOOEEYYY! Took 80 minutes to get 26 waypoints for an afternoon run, PATHETICALLY SLOW (but at least it worked). GRRRR! I might start doing downloads and logs late at night or early AM. Don't see what else I can do to make this work better (obviously GC.com doesn't care to fix this on-going problem...).




They care, but is there a simple fix? A bottom up rewrite and more servers are a huge expensive endeavor.

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Merged the last two posts into an existing topic.


Welcome to Sunday. It isn't fun when trying to review caches either, but I keep in mind that this is just a game.


A game that has been suffering the same problem since at least 2005. Possibly longer. Some weekends are worse than others.


Any word on the progress of the supposed version 2? Is it looking like it will ease these problems? Or is it just going to be different to use but still slow?

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