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Permit expiration reminder


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In NY State Parks, a two year permit is required to place a cache. Today while archiving four of my caches with expired permits I realized that in my local state park, there are other caches who's permits have expired but are still active.


I would like to propose adding an optional field on the “Report a New Cache” page for the permit expiration date. When that date approaches an email could be sent to the CO as a reminder and/or a reminder on the COs profile page as long as the cache is still active.


I know, it's the cache owners responsibility, but a reminder to those who aren't so attentive could go a long way in keeping geocaching in good standing with land managers.

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Not a bad idea, really.


Is a double-edged sword though. Responsibility for maintenance of the cache falls squarely upon the shoulders of the CO, nobody else (even geocaching.com).


The question is -- if the permit expires and an automatically generated email is sent to the CO, then what?

Does no response from CO equate to automatic archiving? There is usually problems with associated with "automatic" actions as this.


The fact that the permit issuing authority does not follow up on their maintenance either, doesn't help.


All-in-all, it may be worth looking into.

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