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SP's Extreme Events for 2011

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Followers of my various 'extreme' events (both remote corners of the UK/Britain and vertical ones) may be interested in my plans for 2011:


There will be a Scottish event close to June 21st 2011 but having done Shetland (2009) and St Kilda (2007) I'm running out of geographical extremes. Instead this cache meet is likely to revert to its original format, as a remote event. I've an eye on several locations 'a bit off the beaten track' and will post more when I'm able to make plans. Suggestions also welcome. No, Rockall's not one of my possible targets and I won't be paying it a visit any time soon... :laughing:


What goes up... - Having held events on top of the trigpoints on Ben Nevis, Snowdon and Scafell Pike, plus the top of Tower 42 in London, I can take cachers no higher in Britain so I'm looking at both Irelands and also at trying to arrange a cache event somewhere deep. Has this ever been done? I'd like to get a decent depth; Big Pit in South Wales is only 100m - I think I should be able to improve on that. :P


I'd also like to rerun my (optionally challenging) Dusk 'til Dawn event (September '08?) somewhere with a big loop of caches (not that this is the event; the event is in a pub at the start) to walk in the hours of darkness- it can be a magical time to be caching. I saw a very bright shooting star the other night while out hunting Tupperware. There was a flash like lightning as it broke up and burned up... :lol:


More news as and when I have it!

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What goes up... - Having held events on top of the trigpoints on Ben Nevis, Snowdon and Scafell Pike, plus the top of Tower 42 in London, I can take cachers no higher in Britain so I'm looking at both Irelands and also at trying to arrange a cache event somewhere deep. Has this ever been done? I'd like to get a decent depth; Big Pit in South Wales is only 100m - I think I should be able to improve on that. :laughing:


of course, making it deep doesn't make it extreme - accessible only by abseiling possibly?! How about a beachy cove that can only be approached by rope or boat?

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Yes it does. Nothing been held up there before? Any caches in the area?


I also like the abseil idea - there must be many coastal locations that can only be reached that way. I'd still rather get down down down into the dark though. I've been in the Box Freestone mines near Bath, which are huge and amazing but not all that deep... A possible Plan B/C though :D

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