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Email notification of logs with encryption and html get munched


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Here's a log entry GL94TC3R that contains both encryption and a URL link:


[upon arrival at GZ I realized that from here you can see GC80D Toronto Outer Harbour which was Toronto's oldest active cache, soon to be archived unless the CO comes back to life.


I spent quite awhile meticulously searching the numerous possible locations that were accessible within the listed terrain rating but it wasn't until I finally gave in and expanded my search beyond that restriction that I finally (and quickly) made the find. I am glad I did because I then spent some time checking out stuff that was quite interesting and made for some cool pictures.


Took nothing, left same and signed the log.


I left the interesting container (and that which contains it) covered up better than I found it.




V jbhyq unir fcrag yrff gvzr frnepuvat vs V unq ernyvmrq ba fvgr gung gur gvgyr bs gur pnpur vf n hfrshy uvag



I had the cache on a bookmark list with notifications enabled and this is what the email I got looked like:


You are receiving this email because you have bookmarked this listing. 
Visit the web site to change your bookmark list settings.

Location: Ontario, Canada
frinklabs found Bridge Over Troubled Waters (Traditional Cache) at 8/28/2012

Log Date: 8/28/2012
[upon arrival at GZ I realized that from here you can see [url=http://coord.info/GC80D]TP80Q 
Gbebagb Bhgre Uneobhe[/url] juvpu jnf Gbebagb'f byqrfg npgvir pnpur, fbba gb or nepuvirq 
hayrff gur PB pbzrf onpx gb yvsr.

V fcrag dhvgr njuvyr zrgvphybhfyl frnepuvat gur ahzrebhf cbffvoyr ybpngvbaf gung jrer 
npprffvoyr jvguva gur yvfgrq greenva engvat ohg vg jnfa'g hagvy V svanyyl tnir va naq 
rkcnaqrq zl frnepu orlbaq gung erfgevpgvba gung V svanyyl (naq dhvpxyl) znqr gur svaq.  
V nz tynq V qvq orpnhfr V gura fcrag fbzr gvzr purpxvat bhg fghss gung jnf dhvgr vagrerfgvat 
naq znqr sbe fbzr pbby cvpgherf.

Gbbx abguvat, yrsg fnzr naq fvtarq gur ybt.

V yrsg gur vagrerfgvat pbagnvare (naq gung juvpu pbagnvaf vg) pbirerq hc orggre guna 
V sbhaq vg.


V jbhyq unir fcrag yrff gvzr frnepuvat vs V unq ernyvmrq ba fvgr gung gur gvgyr bs 
gur pnpur vf n hfrshy uvag

Note: This log has been Rot13 encrypted. You can unencrypt it on the log page.

Visit this log entry at the below address:

Visit Traditional Cache
Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Profile for frinklabs:

Bookmark List "Stealth Watchlist":


EDIT: added URL link to quoted log entry text and carriage returns to code snippet for readability

Edited by frinklabs
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