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Images stored on http://imgcdn.geocaching.com not available


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Lately I have noticed that images stores at the server http://imgcdn.geocaching.com periodically is not available.

Images are user images uploaded to cache description pages.

This on is an example from today: http://coord.info/GC4PP6Q where 6 images are not shown.

The server that should serve the images seems to be down.

I have seen this happen some times in the last 14 days.



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Seems they're changing from hosting their own image server (img.geocaching.com) to using the services of cloudfront.net (imgcdn.geocaching.com -> d1qqxh9zzqprtj.cloudfront.net), with the (same?) server at both sites currently reporting:

The folder containing old images (E:\Images) does not exist. Make sure you have the correct path in the 'OldRootFolder' web.config setting.

The folder where previous images (stop-gap measure when changing to a new root location) the will be placed (E:\FileAssetsGC) does not exist. Make sure you have the correct path in the 'PreviousFileAPIRootFolder' web.config setting.

The folder where new images will be placed (G:\FileAssetsGC) exists.

The folder where new images using the old convention will be placed (G:\FileAssetsGC\OldConvention) exists.

The handler will convert png files to jpg format.

The number of levels deep the directory structure will go: 4

The number of digits in each folder name: 1

The handler will not delete old Waymarking images.

The handler will not delete old geocaching images.

The handler will not copy the original image to the new folder structure.

The handler will not add records to the file asset database.


Hopefully no existing images (in cache pages, logs, the forum, ...) will be harmed in the making of that change :unsure:

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