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Geocaching Map Issues


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So I've found two geocaching issues that I'd like to figure out. (If they're my comp, that's fine, just want to find out if it is...)


First, when i go here http://www.geocaching.com/map/getmap.aspx?...17&lon=-74.0016

with list archived/disabled caches, nothing shows up. (Going there by panning, zoom in, zoom out) BUT, if I hit identify, they show up although, still you can see that the icons aren't showing up under them. I'm curious if this is on purpose or not since I do have List A/D caches clicked.


Second, on my IE I get a gap between the bottom of the map and the lowest green bar. The size of the gap depends on how large I have the font. I print screened in case I didn't explain enough.


Smallest Text http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v81/odra...mallesttext.jpg

Medium Text http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v81/odragon/mediumtext.jpg

Largest Text http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v81/odra...largesttext.jpg

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I don't understand what your asking...????


Clicking on your link gives me a map of ocean grove NJ, with no caches shown.

selecting identify and reclicking the in the same spot still gives no caches.

selecting the archived/disabled boxes and then reclicking gives me five caches (all archived, and four having the name ashbury in the title). Is that what your getting? :mad: AFAIK the maps working fine... I find it somewhat suprizing some many archived caches in that area, but thats another topic.


Don't know about your empty space probelm :mad:

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No. Since they aren't there anymore they no longer list as icons. That would be very confusing.

But isn't that the point of clicking the show archived cache toggle?


Also, do you or anyone else get that empty space on the mapping page using IE?

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