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Geowoodstock 4 Information

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Posted (edited)

The dates have been set: May 25, 26, 27 and 28, 2006.

Location: Cedar Hill State Park, 15 miles southwest of Dallas.


Cedar Hill is one of the busiest parks in Texas, especially during a holiday weekend. In fact, we were just barely able to reserve the pavilions for our event! It is STRONGLY suggested that you make your reservations NOW!


Go here for information on park reservations.

Entrance fees:

$5 per person, per day, 13 and older.

Entrance fees are in addition to Campsite or day use facility fees.


Campsite fees:

$18 per site; all sites have water and electric.

An excess vehicle fee will be charged for all vehicles over the limit of 2 per site.


Main gate open 6am - 10pm Mon-Sun. Combination will be provided to all registered campers & those paying after hours activity fees.


2 Night Minimum Reservations REQUIRED for ALL campsites on Holiday Weekends. Yes, this means us, too.


You may pay by cash, check (with valid drivers license), travelers check or credit card (Discover, Mastercard or Visa).


Go here for info on CHSP:



Go here for a video of CHSP:



I can't stress this enough - call NOW! If the park knows we have a bunch of people coming, they might be able to put us on one side of the park instead of speading us out. It's a big park.


See ya there!

Edited by 9Key
Posted (edited)

I plan to be there! Can you please clarify one thing? Are reservations for camping only, or are they also needed if we plan to drive in each day? In other words, will we be able to pay the daily fee each day when we arrive without reservation if we are not camping?

Edited by AB4N
Posted (edited)
  AB4N said:
I plan to be there! Can you please clarify one thing? Are reservations for camping only, or are they also needed if we plan to drive in each day? In other words, will we be able to pay the daily fee each day when we arrive without reservation if we are not camping?


When we had the Texas Challenge there this year, the only reservation necessary for individuals was if you chose to camp there. Those staying at a hotel simply had the pay the entrance fee each day. 9key can advise if the scenario is different for next year. :D

Edited by cachesafari
  cachesafari said:
When we had the Texas Challenge there this year, the only reservation necessary for individuals was if you chose to camp there.  Those staying at a hotel simply had the pay the entrance fee each day.  9key can advise if the scenario is different for next year.  :D

Well, I'm not 9key, but that is correct. Reservations are only required if you're camping. Otherwise, just pay the daily entry fee at the gate.


I'll be in Texas - but in the San Antonio area for an ISB/Bangkok reunion. Will try to stop by for this event so I can meet some TX geocachers. I'll try to bring some of my Bangkok friends with me so they can get a glimpse of my other life in geocaching.

We are planning on coming since it is only a few hours away from us. this is our first event. do we need to bring anything special other than our normal camping/geocaching stuff?

Nope, just bring yourself and your stuff. :laughing:
  9Key said:
We are planning on coming since it is only a few hours away from us. this is our first event. do we need to bring anything special other than our normal camping/geocaching stuff?

Nope, just bring yourself and your stuff. :laughing:



I have sent 9 key an e-mail stating our interest in joining Geowoodstock 2006. However we will not physically be attending. We will be setting up a similar venue for the same time frame here in the UK. What we would like to do is set up a cyberlink via webcams.

Possibly get a Tb race going with the Americans-British. Exchange of geocoins (we are in the process of getting Uk ones) and making it an International event.

Maybe someone in Australia would like to take it on for there as well?


So far we have had several Camping events around the country and have one scheduled for Sep 2-4 with over 100 attending. It may be small in comparison but this is just a local one so given 6-8 months to plan a BIG one our numbers will grow.


Would be interested in knowing how you guys feel about making it INTERNATIONAL




Team Maddie UK - please start a new thread for that idea. That's outside the bounds of this thread. Thanks


wreckelite - we're planning on 800+

Have you arranged with any local hotels for a group rate for the event weekend?

Yes, we will have some discounts available. We have a former travel agent on the planning committee and she will get something going. Its still pretty early yet though.

The nearby city of Waxahachie may be involved in a sponsorship role and we're having discussions about group rates there.


I've had a few emails regarding camping, so he's an update on that front:

* When making a reservation, tell the operator that you're with the geocachers and they'll group everyone together.

For our yearly Texas Challenge the park set aside two large camping areas for us.


* "I want to camp close to the pavillion". Cedar Hill State Park is nearly 2000 acres and is spread out along the shore of a large lake. You'd have a fairly long walk from any of the campgrounds to the pavillions. Car pooling is the name of the game here.

Is this posted to gc.com and is there a waypoint number yet?
No, its not posted yet. Events can only be posted a maximum of 6 months before the event date.

If you're looking for coordinates to where the event will be, look here.




American Airlines is offering a 5% discount on all discounted fares within the continental United States to DFW Airport for the event.


When making reservations with AA or your travel agent please tell them you are using starfile #8356AE. This file number can also be used for flights originating outside the continental US with with some restrictions.


Thanks to mama_cache / sharonleetx, Official Travel Agent of GW4, for this info. :D

  9Key said:
American Airlines is offering a 5% discount on all discounted fares within the continental United States to DFW Airport for the event.


When making reservations with AA or your travel agent please tell them you are using starfile #8356AE. This file number can also be used for flights originating outside the continental US with with some restrictions.


Thanks to mama_cache / sharonleetx, Official Travel Agent of GW4, for this info. :D

Any chance on an AirTran Discount? They sometimes offer up to 10% discount and are often cheaper anyway. Just a thought don't know too much about it.



Posted (edited)

The last GeoWoodstock ended up with around 50 lost TBs left in it. :rolleyes:


What can you do to make sure this event does not become a travel bug blackhole?

Edited by Sparrowhawk
The last GeoWoodstock ended up with around 50 lost TBs left in it. 

What can you do to make sure this event does not become a travel bug blackhole?

We have two very capable guys working on that issue:

The infamous Snoogans and unheralded Irish-Texan. They have a plan. What it is exactly I don't know yet. :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)
  Sparrowhawk said:
The last GeoWoodstock ended up with around 50 lost TBs left in it.  :ph34r:


What can you do to make sure this event does not become a travel bug blackhole?

Make sure??? :ph34r:


Mark my words: Bugs WILL go missing from this event just as they do from caches. It's unrealistic to think we on the GW4 TB staff will have a perfect score, or that the GW3 staff are to blame for bugs missing from that event. :)


The problem lies with folks NOT logging the darn things. Why? Who the heck knows??? :ph34r:


One reason I've heard was for fear of TB zelots, or owners with unrealistic expectations hounding them. Some folks will log a bug just before they drop it to avoid such mess. The problem is that bugs get forgotten that way. :)


This is actually a separate issue from this thread and deserves a discussion of it's own in the whining and unrealistic expectation forum. You know, the TB forum. B)


50 bugs outta thousands is almost better odds than airline travel from a certain perspective. :ph34r: BTW Nothing escapes a blackhole. Not even light. I consider the trading at GW3 a success, but we have tweaked that system just a bit for GW4.


The GW3 staff are NOT responsible for other's carelessness, so lay off 'em. :) They worked their butts off and received NO thanks for what I saw as the most thoughtful and well organized and let's NOT forget largest bug trade to date.


I and the rest of the volunteer bug wranglers for GW4 aren't gonna take much of what the GW3 folks took before we start slinging it back. :)

Edited by Snoogans

:( Woohoo. Made my reservation today. I am SOOOOO excited. Not sure if the kids will come (they ARE teenagers.... <_< ) but I will definately be there. Trying to get more people to come with me.... I hate to set up my camp for ONLY one person... Snoog, if you need any help with anything, let me know. I am more than willing to do any legwork you need done.


  gsguru8306 said:
:mad: Woohoo. Made my reservation today. I am SOOOOO excited. Not sure if the kids will come (they ARE teenagers.... :D ) but I will definately be there. Trying to get more people to come with me.... I hate to set up my camp for ONLY one person... Snoog, if you need any help with anything, let me know. I am more than willing to do any legwork you need done.


I might need some help with the Friday night event I'm hosting. Ya gonna be there on Friday? I'll hafta rent a U-haul to get all the caches I'm giving away up there. (More than 100 regular caches containing over 10,000 micros.) ;)<_<<_<




I bought another GI-NORMOUS tent, (11x17) a 10x10 EZ-up, and a camp kitchen, to go along with Chateau d' Snoogans (15x15) and the 18X18 screen enclosure.


I can let 6 to 8 people sleep in the extra tent and I might bring a few smaller ones too. I may get 2 spaces and offer to entertain some outta town campers that want to travel light. Maybe folks who fly in, but still want to camp to save $$$.

  Snoogans said:
I might need some help with the Friday night event I'm hosting. Ya gonna be there on Friday? I'll hafta rent a U-haul to get all the caches I'm giving away up there. (More than 100 regular caches containing over 10,000 micros.) :P:unsure::ph34r:

I am scheduled to be there Friday evening. I am taking most of the day off and heading up. Just let me know whatcha need and I'll help. :)

Is there a Geowoodstock 4 website yet other that on the Texas Geocaching site?
No, not yet, but is in development. Check here for updates.
  9Key said:
Is there a Geowoodstock 4 website yet other that on the Texas Geocaching site?
No, not yet, but is in development. Check here for updates.

Thanks for the info. I will keep an eye out.


I just wanted to add that alot was discussed at the meeting and this week we will have a logo,hopefully the website up and running, and the event posted so you can see where and when.


Keep checking back...


I'm in, however, my camping days are behind me. I'd like to know the hotel selections so I can reserve something soon. Plus what else do I need to do to make sure things are in place for me?


Reservations have been made... We plan on staying at the park and will move after the event to the North side of Dallas for another, non geocaching event. Look forward to making it down and seeing some old friends and meeting new ones!



  9Key said:
Is this posted to gc.com and is there a waypoint number yet?
No, its not posted yet. Events can only be posted a maximum of 6 months before the event date.

If you're looking for coordinates to where the event will be, look here.



I don't see why Geo Woodstock's can't be the exception. There is only ONE of these per year and having a central place to go with all the information just makes sense. I know we would hear the whine about "If they can do it, we should be able to as well." Let's face it, this *IS* the event of the year. I would think it's not your typical picnic event!


Come on Jeremy, make the exception for this event! B)


Brawny Bear

  Blue iis said:
I'm in, however, my camping days are behind me. I'd like to know the hotel selections so I can reserve something soon. Plus what else do I need to do to make sure things are in place for me?

Actually I'll probably come early and stay a day or two after the event... So, the sooner I get hotel information, the better for me.


I will update the best I can here as far as lodging.


Our travel planner has set aside rooms in certain hotels for this event, she has also set up airline discounts, and I believe she has car rental discounts as-well. We will have all this information on the website. The website will be up ASAP, it is very close!! We are working as fast as we can to get the information out to the public. By all means look up hotels by Cedar Hill area and start reserving because we are 7 months away and this event is on a holiday.


I will post updates as often as I get them to keep everybody updated.


One good anoucement WE HAVE OUR LOGO!!!!! We on the committee would like to thank Darkstar for taking the idea and running with it to create this wonderful logo!



  ladycacher said:

One good anoucement WE HAVE OUR LOGO!!!!! We on the committee would like to thank Darkstar for taking the idea and running with it to create this wonderful logo!

Very Cool Logo! What can we expect? Hats, Shirts, Lanyards, Patches and Stickers???




  Brawny Bear said:
  ladycacher said:

One good anoucement WE HAVE OUR LOGO!!!!! We on the committee would like to thank Darkstar for taking the idea and running with it to create this wonderful logo!

Very Cool Logo! What can we expect? Hats, Shirts, Lanyards, Patches and Stickers???




Yep!! Most, if not all of that.

  ladycacher said:
  Brawny Bear said:
  ladycacher said:

One good anoucement WE HAVE OUR LOGO!!!!! We on the committee would like to thank Darkstar for taking the idea and running with it to create this wonderful logo!

Very Cool Logo! What can we expect? Hats, Shirts, Lanyards, Patches and Stickers???




Yep!! Most, if not all of that.


Posted (edited)

B) Why?????? B) You collect those or something....never herd of them......


:D Of course!!!! B)



No more coin questions please......people will think they can reserve them in here or something :o . Crazy coin collectors....what's wrong with you people??? Oh wait, I AM one of those people :) . :):D

Edited by ladycacher

WCNUT & I are excitingly awaiting GW4 we haven't missed one yet and this one couldn't be in a better place for us. We live in Indiana, but all of my family is in Granbury, which is just west of Fort Worth, so WCNUT will get all the caching he can stand and I will get to enjoy a visit with the folks and GW4. :mad:


See you in May,


  WCNUT & TATER said:
WCNUT & I are excitingly awaiting GW4 we haven't missed one yet and this one couldn't be in a better place for us. We live in Indiana, but all of my family is in Granbury, which is just west of Fort Worth, so WCNUT will get all the caching he can stand and I will get to enjoy a visit with the folks and GW4. :lol:


See you in May,




Small world!! We will have to get dinner and a cache when y'all get here, I have several in the area that I have hidden myself.

  ladycacher said:
;) Why?????? ;) You collect those or something....never herd of them......


:lol: Of course!!!! :lol:



No more coin questions please......people will think they can reserve them in here or something :lol: . Crazy coin collectors....what's wrong with you people??? Oh wait, I AM one of those people :cry: . ;);)

Isn't this the time we start stating how many we will order???? ;)

  Damenace said:
  ladycacher said:
B) Why?????? B)  You collect those or something....never herd of them......


B) Of course!!!! :D



No more coin questions please......people will think they can reserve them in here or something :P .  Crazy coin collectors....what's wrong with you people??? Oh wait, I AM one of those people :):)  :)

Isn't this the time we start stating how many we will order???? B)

B) And you want to be hurt how bad?? ;)

  Snoogans said:
  gsguru8306 said:
:D Woohoo. Made my reservation today. I am SOOOOO excited. Not sure if the kids will come (they ARE teenagers....  :huh: ) but I will definately be there. Trying to get more people to come with me.... I hate to set up my camp for ONLY one person... Snoog, if you need any help with anything, let me know. I am more than willing to do any legwork you need done.


I might need some help with the Friday night event I'm hosting. Ya gonna be there on Friday? I'll hafta rent a U-haul to get all the caches I'm giving away up there. (More than 100 regular caches containing over 10,000 micros.) :D:unsure::D




I bought another GI-NORMOUS tent, (11x17) a 10x10 EZ-up, and a camp kitchen, to go along with Chateau d' Snoogans (15x15) and the 18X18 screen enclosure.


I can let 6 to 8 people sleep in the extra tent and I might bring a few smaller ones too. I may get 2 spaces and offer to entertain some outta town campers that want to travel light. Maybe folks who fly in, but still want to camp to save $$$.

Snooganssssssssssssssss.....helpppppppppppppppppp....Jeff and I are planning to go. I'm guessin we need to make ressy's now. But which campsite ya gonna be at? We have a Dodge Dakota with no kids, and can haul a buncha stuff up there. Tell me whatcha need and we'll help. BTW....its Jeff's B-Day weekend so I wanna do somethin for him up there.


We have our own camping stuff....but would love to camp near ya. Lemme know so maybe we can work together on this thing! :D



  ladycacher said:
  Damenace said:
  ladycacher said:
:mad: Why?????? :mad:  You collect those or something....never herd of them......


:mad: Of course!!!! :huh:



No more coin questions please......people will think they can reserve them in here or something :o .  Crazy coin collectors....what's wrong with you people??? Oh wait, I AM one of those people :D:o  :unsure:

Isn't this the time we start stating how many we will order???? :huh:

:D And you want to be hurt how bad?? :D

Does that guarantee me a coin, if so lets make it two :mad: . One for the collection and one for ebay, I mean trade :D

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