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Minnesota Coin

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Hello one and all,


Some Minnesota cachers are in the early stages of planning a coin. (Snow and ice are not included) One of the big issues facing the group is gc.com trackable or not. So I figured I would take a very unscientific poll.


Would you purchase the Minnesota coin with gc.com tracking?

Would you purchase the coin w/out gc.com tracking?


If you could indicate a rough number you'd buy and if you care or not about the tracking... I think it would help move us along and add another coin to the collection. (And no we're not going to hold you to a number you post here... I just want to see roughly how many people around the country would buy the coin, and how important the gc.com tracking is)


Thanks in advance!


With tracking I would buy 1 coin no matter what. Without tracking I would have to really like the design before I'd get any. Go with tracking. ;)


Just to clarify on the tracking we are looking at either tracking through gc.com, or some sort of external site, probably the Minnesota Geocachers website. So either way it would be numbered, I'm just trying to gauge how important people around the country think it is to have the tracking of the coin linked to geocaching.com's system.


Thanks again!

Posted (edited)
  MNMizzou said:
Just to clarify on the tracking we are looking at either tracking through gc.com, or some sort of external site, probably the Minnesota Geocachers website. So either way it would be numbered, I'm just trying to gauge how important people around the country think it is to have the tracking of the coin linked to geocaching.com's system.


Thanks again!

Save money and track through the other site. You will probably sell more coins due to price per coin. It's like 1.50 more on top of the coin price right?

Edited by ladycacher

This forum alone is good for 600 + coins trackable or not.The collectors/traders prefer smaller numbered runs for value so they should be numbered at minimum. A larger number produced reduces the cost and makes tracking more affordable.We were told that 1500 is the minimum for tracking numbers but I think some groups may have gotten fewer.The Maryland coin is $6 per coin including shipping,paypal fees,a per coin rebate for our group,and GC tracking.we are producing 2000 and I expect to sell them all.1200 are spoken for already and I expect the remaining ones will go fast once we get them. My choice would be tracking on GC.com or none at all.Check with your local group if there is one. We had a long disscussion about tracking,design,and cost and most of the Maryland group wanted tracking so we went with it.


I'd take a couple, but I prefer trackable on gc.com, not another site. Even if I don't drop one in a cache, it's nice to share with others who might like to see it and log it




The most important thing to us is quality. And price. Less than $7.00 is preferable, so I would use the money you would spend on tracking on design/details of the coin. If price is right we'd be in for 3.


I would buy around 10 +/- a couple regardless of trackability. My decision of how many hinges more on the price.

Posted (edited)
  ManGenGho said:
The most important thing to us is quality. And price. Less than $7.00 is preferable, so I would use the money you would spend on tracking on design/details of the coin.  If price is right we'd be in for 3.

Ditto, don't care about GC.com tracking but would buy at least 5 of a well-designed, numbered coin.

Edited by hydnsek
  ManGenGho said:
The most important thing to us is quality. And price. Less than $7.00 is preferable, so I would use the money you would spend on tracking on design/details of the coin.

The Tribe feels the same way. Will be watching for your design. Most likely we would purchase two (2).


The Coin Order Liaison Group (COOL) will take approximately 50 coins either way.


My personal preference (and I know I don't speak for everyone in COOL on this matter) is for GC.com trackable coins. What can I say, I love the icons. I'd pay extra for the GC.com trackability, but I'd take the same # of coins either way. Once again, I emphasize that I don't speak for all of COOL on this issue. Like any group of people, we all have our own opinions. :rolleyes:


Can't wait for a design on this one! I hope it'll have some sort of trout or fishing type reference since this is my favorite thing to do when I visit.<br>


Of course.. if sound is able to be applied, we need some older person like my grandma to say "you betcha" a couple times. :rolleyes: I do so love the Minnesota accent on that phrase!


I'll buy several of them, trackable or not.


If it were me, I wouldn't pay for the tracking. Very few of the coins will be placed in caches anyway. Use the money you'll save on the tracking for something fun for your association. :rolleyes:


It's probably too early to tell, but based on how few of the Alaskan Geocoins that have been logged to date, a tracking number may not be that important. A lot of coins appear to go into collections or swag bags never to be circulated. Also, logging a trackable coin appears to diminish its value to collectors based on the emphasis seen in some trading threads about "never activiated, never circulated, never logged, etc." GC.com tracking might increase the number of logged coins because of the additional icon.


After a few more weeks, I'll do an accounting of number of Alaska coins logged versus number of coins distributed and report back.

  Team CoyChev said:
I'd be in for a couple, tracking or not. GC.com tracking is just another icon that looks like the other ones.

Depends on the coin. :wacko:


How is the design coming along? Are you leaning towards tracking or not?


Hello! The coin is in the initial desgin stage. Tracking has been a sticking point with folks. Personally I would like to see it because from what I see most people buy multiple coins, if I bought multiple coins I might want to put one in a cache on a vacation to see where it goes... and it is so much easier to just go to the one main website in my opinion. I'm curious as to how you got the different looking logo for the MD coin. (I saw it on your profile)


Thanks to everyone for the input so far, we're supposed to meet sometime next week so hopefully some of this informal "research" will help!

  MNMizzou said:
I'm curious as to how you got the different looking logo for the MD coin. (I saw it on your profile)

I'll second that, as that's some info that some other cachers and I will be needing. :lol: Was there any extra cost involved in getting a unique icon or did you just have to ask?

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