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Rock, paper, scissors, etc.

Clan Riffster

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I'm wanting to build a cartridge based loosely on the old rock, paper, scissors, (lizard, Spock), game, and at various stages, the player would be prompted to play. They would be given 5 choices, and would need to pick one. Will it be possible to have a different answer for each choice? Three answers returning them to the previous screen and two choices moving the game forward? If so, what's the best way to go about that?



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It depends on if you want the answers to be random. (And, to get something random, a little hand-coding would be needed.)


If you just want predetermined answers, there's a way to do that. It would be cleaner, though, if the Groundspeak Builder could offer an OR conditional test as well (I'm not sure about Urwigo). Since it can't, you could do the following:

if Answer Equal "Rock"
 Show a message to the player (Contains Button Script)
 if Answer Equal "Lizard"
	  Show a message to the player (Contains Button Script)
	  GetInput zinputRockPaper1


In the above example, rock and lizard are the correct choices. They'll show a message saying the player got it right, then make the next zone active and visible and whatever else you need. If the answer was wrong, it'll ask the player for another answer by showing the input again.

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It would be cleaner, though, if the Groundspeak Builder could offer an OR conditional test as well.

I thought it did. You pick "AND IF" (sigh) and then you can change the "AND" to "OR" later. At least, that's my recollection, I don't have it on this PC to check.

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