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"Search from Here" no longer works.

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It's not a BUG.

Look here: http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=331883


First click on the Waymark to see all description of it.

Scroll down to the end of page, then you see the options.


Search for...

Geocaching.com Google Map

Google Maps


Bing Maps

Trails.com Maps

Nearest Waymarks

Nearest Geocaches

Nearest Benchmarks

Nearest Hotels


Click on Nearest Waymarks


Or you download the KML on the homepage of Waymarking and open it in Google Earth.

Search the coordinats and you see all nearby.

Grtz John.

Edited by dreamhummie
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It's not a BUG.

It's most definitely a bug. If the button doesn't work - which I just confirmed - then the feature is broken. It's likely related to the map change, but there's no way it was intentionally disabled. If it had been intentional, the button would have been removed entirely.

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It's not a BUG.

It's most definitely a bug. If the button doesn't work - which I just confirmed - then the feature is broken. It's likely related to the map change, but there's no way it was intentionally disabled. If it had been intentional, the button would have been removed entirely.


It appears that Dreamhummie misunderstood the original post. I was just noticing the problem today and it definately is unexpected. I would agree that it is likely related to the map change. Does anyone know why they changed the map?

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