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GetAllOfType in WhereYouGo


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I have been trying to use the method GetAllOfType of a cart to list all the zones, ala objMyCart:GetAllOfType('Zone')


I see that this works in the emulator but when I try to use it in WhereYouGo built with Urwigo I get an exception, namely Tried to call nil.


I've seen that there were issues, namely


but as that was some time ago I'd hoped that it was fixed.


Not only that, but I've tried this rather basic call which is working in the emulator but not WhereYouGo


local dist, angle = Wherigo.VectorToZone( Player.ObjectLocation, objTest1 )


objTest1 is a zone created in Urwigo


It also fails with 'Tried to call nil'


Am I missing something?



Edited by HackAMen
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There isn't such a function in OpenWIG. You have to write it by your own. It isn't very difficult.


function GetAllOfType(type)
 result = {}
 for k,v in ipairs(cart.AllZObjects) do
   if Wherigo.NoCaseEquals(tostring(v), "a "..type.." instance") then
     table.insert(result, v)
 return result

Call it for example by


for k,v in ipairs(GetAllOfType("Zone")) do

to get all Zones or


for k,v in ipairs(GetAllOfType("ZItem")) do

to get all ZItem objects.

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Thank you so much, that's spot on.


I have to ask for some more help though. Using your code I have created this


for k,v in ipairs(objTestCartridge.AllZObjects) do
	if Wherigo.NoCaseEquals(tostring(v), "a Zone instance") then
		if  Wherigo.NoCaseEquals( tostring(v.Name), "Test1" ) then
			dist, angle = Wherigo.VectorToZone( Player.ObjectLocation, v )


I am getting a 'Tried to call nil' exception on Wherigo.VectorToZone again in WhereYouGo and not the emulator. Would you say that VectorToZone is not implemented in Wherigo or that ObjectLocation is not, or something else?


I should say Player = Wherigo.Player



OK looking at https://code.google.com/r/biylda-openwig/source/browse/OpenWIGLibrary/src/cz/matejcik/openwig/WherigoLib.java

It looks like VetorToPoint is implemented but not VectorToZone. Does that seem correct to you?


/edit 2

After reading this http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=316825

I can confirm that VectorToPoint works in WhereYouGo and it does exactly what I need.


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

Edited by HackAMen
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