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I looked and did not find a topic specifically related to trading coins. Some other topics moved towards people posting trade info. I have made 2 trades by mail with other Cachers for coins and figure there should be a spot where others can list their wants, needs and offers.


Anyway, here is the first post with my listing:


Have several California coins, new, unregistered, never in the wild.

Have one Washington State coin, also unregistered.

Want to trade for: other state coins (that are not "owned" and not registered with the expectation that they be moved to another cache.)


Email me with your offer or post here.

Thank you.


I'd trade you a west tennessee geocoin for a california one, but sadly I'd feel like I'd be cheating a bit, as you can still purchase tennessee ones (I think).


Great idea.


I have the following unregistered, and in the baggies:




Washington State


Looking for any other unregistered, in baggies (read: bright, shiny and new!).

Posted (edited)

I have extra California coins to trade....(brand new not registered at all)

I also have extra Canada coins that are also new.


I have the following in my collection:



West Tennessee



USA Geocoin


I'd like to trade for any other coins that are out there.





Edited by kiltsurfer

I have extra Alabama, Washington state, and West Tennessee coins to trade. They are all new and unactivated. I would be interested to trade for anything not listed below.




West Tennessee





Conejo Cachers

Green Man

The Joy of Geocaching



I have made 2 trades since I posted 2 days ago and the coins are in the mail.


I own and do not need:





W. Tenn


I still have a couple of California coins to trade.


Looking for others that are unregistered/unactivated.

Posted (edited)

I've set up a trade for a Pennsylvania coin! I still have new and unactivated Alabama, Washington and West Tennessee coins to trade for anything that I don't already have.


My collection:



West Tennessee





Pennsylvania (on the way)

USA Geocoin


Conejo Cachers

Green Man

The Joy of Geocaching

Edited by hammerjane
  hammerjane said:
I've set up a trade for a Pennsylvania coin! I still have new and unactivated Alabama, Washington and West Tennessee coins to trade for anything that I don't already have.


My collection:



West Tennessee





Pennsylvania (on the way)

USA Geocoin 2005


Conejo Cachers

Green Man

The Joy of Geocaching



Must be a 2004 USA Geocoin in your collection as the 2005 USA Geocoins haven't been released yet. :blink:


Is there a resource of all the places selling Geo-coins? It would be nice to buy the "base" coins that are in production and then hunt those that are not. If anyone wants Canada coins, they can still be purchased.

  Lemon Fresh Dog said:
Is there a resource of all the places selling Geo-coins? It would be nice to buy the "base" coins that are in production and then hunt those that are not. If anyone wants Canada coins, they can still be purchased.

This has been the best source I've found for all the Geocoins out there


Team Fisur's Geocoin links


Thanks! I really appreciate the link.


Meanwhile, I do have 11 Canadian Coins I ordered. If someone does want to trade rather than order themselves -- let me know and I will "reserve" one for you. (they should be here mid-week next week)


I have 5 West Tennessee coins for trade. I'm especially interested in getting 2 Washington State coins.


I'll also buy or trade for any coin #357.


Send me a PM or email.





I have extra AGA coins, West TN coins, a Conejo cachers coin, Michigan, and a few others for trade.


I'd love to trade for:



Moun10Bike (original run)

Square D token


Any others I do not have!




Always interested in trades for my MRCOGEO GeoTokens.


I love trading for GeoCoins, wooden nickels and homemade GeoTokens. So if its round, square, slightly round or a polygon and fits in the palm of your hand and has your Geo-Sig alias on it, I'd love to trade for it.


mrcogeotoken_small_real.gif } Plastic with Gold Stamping - 1.5" dia x .15" thick (like a poker chip)


I received 2 coins this week from my trades. Still have a couple of California coins to trade. Want states other than:






W. Tenn

  • Upvote 1
  KC0GRN said:
One I'm looking for in Particular is a Pensylvania Geocoin, but I'm not sure I've heard about anyone having extras of those...

got two offers in 12 hours last month in the northeast forum for a trade for a WA one, piece of cake !


Looking for California, Texas, Idaho coins.


Can trade Washington now, Colorado/Calgary after they ship (date unknown), and WestTn (after they arrive in a couple/few days). Reasonable $$$ also fine.


I have several Oregon coins, new in Air Tite cases. I will trade for anything except:









Also keep your eyes out for Oregon coin version 2. We will probably be redesigning them for the spring 2005 run.

  bazzle said:
Also keep your eyes out for Oregon coin version 2. We will probably be redesigning them for the spring 2005 run.

Will you post a thread about them in the NW forums, or will you only advertise them on the Oregon or PDX sites?

  vds said:
Looking for California, Texas, Idaho coins.


Can trade Washington now, Colorado/Calgary after they ship (date unknown), and WestTn (after they arrive in a couple/few days). Reasonable $$$ also fine.

Idaho coins are still a couple weeks from delivery. I'll have a few for trade when they get here.

  Moun10Bike said:
  bazzle said:
Also keep your eyes out for Oregon coin version 2. We will probably be redesigning them for the spring 2005 run.

Will you post a thread about them in the NW forums, or will you only advertise them on the Oregon or PDX sites?

I will post a thread on the NW forum as well as the EVC forum. However I suspect that the Oregon and PDX forums will be a bit more active in the design phase simply because that is where most of us hang out...


I am interested in having a couple unactivated 2004 USA Geocoins. Unfortunately, I have nothing to trade except our signature wooden nickels, but I would be willing to pay something reasonable. If anyone can part with one or two or if you know of a source I can use, please email me.


I have unregistered California geocoins that I'd be interested in trading for geocoins that I do not currently have. If you'd like to trade, you can reply here but it probably makes more sense in this case to just email me directly via the site.


The coins I have are: 2003 USA, 2004 USA, Canada, ckayaks, vacman, GOWT, Oregon, Washington, Conejo, and Waypoint 15.


- David

Posted (edited)

All I want are some older coins. Waypoint 1, and DHOBBY1.


I have:


Washington State

West Tennessee



Conejo 2004



to trade for those.

Edited by Nurse Dave

I am interested in having a couple unactivated 2003 USA Geocoinsfor my kids. I have nothing to trade as far as coins go but contact me and I will do my best to work something out. I think it would be great to have a coin from the year goecaching started for us.


NurseDave showed me his collection. He probably has the largest collection of trade items there is!! Hes' got photos by category; coins, cards, buttons, signature items. I'm very impressed with it.


I could have sworn I sent him a signature item. I'll have to do that.

  Planet said:
NurseDave showed me his collection. He probably has the largest collection of trade items there is!! Hes' got photos by category; coins, cards, buttons, signature items. I'm very impressed with it.


I could have sworn I sent him a signature item. I'll have to do that.

Might make a good article in Today's Cacher. Show some of the larger collections, maybe provide the links as a sort of guide to what's out there. I use Dave's and Fisur's sites as a reference.

  Napoleon_Dynamite said:
So my question is: Is the trafficking of ill-gotten blackmarket geocoins something I should have to learn to accept from you guys?

Thanks for painting blame with a broad brush, and for doing it with a bogus account to boot.


I would say that it shouldn't surprise you, regardless of how many finds someone has. I recently had a traveling USA geocoin reported missing by the last people that had it. I have no way of knowing if they decided to keep it or really lost it, but in any case it didn't surprise me. Same goes for the yellow jeep travel bugs and other potentially collectible and/or valuable items. Trade items and regular TBs get swiped regularly, so it's no shock that geocoins do as well.


If something is meant to keep moving, I won't keep it, but there are a *lot* of people that play by their own rules and morals. Sorry that it sounds like your coin got swiped. I say you should have someone local to the person in question take a peek at their collection and see if your coin is in it, and if so go public with their name as someone who stole your coin and then lied to you about losing it.

  Napoleon_Dynamite said:
So my question is: Is the trafficking of ill-gotten blackmarket geocoins something I should have to learn to accept from you guys?

I'm a guy are you talking to me? :o


I paid for most of my coins and swapped for others. Got a big box full of them waiting for the future.


It isn't fair, but I have said in the forums before that realistically (human nature being what it is) I wouldn't expect a coin to move very far. TBs are for traveling and coins are better viewed as cool trade items.

Posted (edited)
  Napoleon_Dynamite said:
So my question is: Is the trafficking of ill-gotten blackmarket geocoins something I should have to learn to accept from you guys?

It's a shame that not everyone can play fair. Most people post either "keep this coin moving" or "feel free to keep it".


If it doesn't directly say you should keep a coin it should keep moving.


The saddest things is Geocoins and Jeep Travel Bugs are like two dollar bills. For some reason people think that $2 bill and geocoins are actually worth more than what they are actually worth.


If Geocoins were actually "worth" collecting for besides the 'neato' or 'cool' factor they would be selling all over E-bay for crazy prices.

Edited by Eric K

OK, so back on topic I have an update on my original post. I am interested in trading for coins I do not already have.


The coins I have are: 2003 USA, 2004 USA, Canada, ckayaks, vacman, GOWT, Oregon, Washington, Conejo, Waypoint 15, Green Man, and Joy of Geocaching.


Coins I have available for trade are: California, Conejo, Washington, GOWT, ckayaks, vacman.

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