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who's watching my cache?


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The information would merely satisfy my curiosity. I think cache-placers would like to know who is interested enough in their caches to watch them.


Granted, there may be some cases like yours where you're not interested in a particular cache because of its construction; merely its location.


If a cache owner cannot see 'who' is watching a cache, what is the value of knowing 'how many' people (which is provided) are watching?


Personally, I watch caches that were placed by people I know, so that I can discuss the finds with them.

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I sorta wish it were possible to see who's watching a cache too. I got this e-mail today:

(I've ommited the cache name)

I have a big problem, and hope that you can help me.

My cache "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" was stolen already 2 times within a week (also 2 other of my caches were stolen at the same time with the XXXXXXXXXXX). At the position I hide it, nobody could find it by accident. So this must happen by purpose. I think that this person is one of the people who is watching this cache. Is it possible to find out these users? At the moment there are 5 cacher watching my cache. Can you help me? When I place a 3rd cache, I am sure that it will also be stolen.


I felt badly suggesting listing future caches as "members only" so this geocacher could see the geonick of everyone who looked at the cache page, not just those who put it on a watch list. But seriously, if you were out to plunder a cache, why would you put it on your watch list? Wouldn't you just go and steal it?


Generally caches are put on a watch list by someone who has found it and wants to relive the experience by reading the logs of others who also found it. Or, it could be a cache that is so difficult to find that people are interested in reading how others have done before they try it. In both cases it's pretty irrelevant for the cache owner to see who's watching the cache.



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The email you received is exactly why watch lists should remain as they are. Otherwise, it just gives a disgruntled cache owner a list of people to point his finger at. Who would get on a watch list, if they thought it would mean coming under suspicion should anything ever happen to the cache?



"Don't mess with a geocacher. We know all the best places to hide a body."

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If cache owners could see a list of accounts watching their caches and it became common for them to contact the watchers, I'd probably pare down my watch list. It might be awkward answering the question, "Why are you watching my cache?" If I wanted to start a discussion with a particular cache owner, I know how to email 'em. And cache owners who want to open up a dialog with past finders could certainly contact them directly regardless of watch-list participation.


My concern would be this: If this feature discouraged a significant number of users from using the watch list, might they not 'poll' caches of interest by revisiting the pages on a regular basis? This would further increase traffic to the site, which has had problems in that regard.


This doesn't even take into account the scenario described by ~eric~ above in which a frustrated cache owner might email every watcher something like, "Alright, which one of you @#$% bozos is vandalizing my caches?!"


--Scott (of Team Mule Ears)

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Originally posted by Mule Ears:


This doesn't even take into account the scenario described by ~eric~ above in which a frustrated cache owner might email every watcher something like, "Alright, which one of you @#$% bozos is vandalizing my caches?!"


--Scott (of Team Mule Ears)


Not to mention that if a cacher is using Pocket Queries, no body will even know they have looked at the cache.

Trying to point the finger at people watching a cache or even making one Member Only won't guarantee you know who is vandalizing your cache.



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I think TPTB would rather you NOT have that information. That feature is not available.


Originally posted by xafwodahs:

Is there a way to determine who is watching a cache? I don't think this information should be provided to everyone, but it seems that a cache owner should be able to find out. So far, I have found no such feature.


If this feature doesn't exist, should it?


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