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No e-mail when a trackable is grabbed


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Since a few week I don't receive any e-mails when a trackable I hold is grabbed by another cacher.

Today, I wanted to drop Funny Nose http://coord.info/TB2JT2A in the cache I had put it today.

But the code of the TB I had written down was not in my inventory.

It took me some time before I realised it was already grabbed before I got home. http://coord.info/TLG2AP5B.


Please enable (or tell me how to enable) these e-mails again.



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I don't think that e-nmails have ever been generated when a grab occurs. The circumstance you described happens occasionally and has been the subject of a great deal of discussion. You don't say how long between the cache you were at and when you got home. Are you talking hours or days?


Even if you got an email it wouldn't have the index code you need to grab it back and put it in the cache.


The discussion will go in several directions


1. You should write down the code when you drop it off so you can grab it and put it in the cache. Hopefully the grabber will then re grab it and all will be right. It is also possible that he has already dropped it somewhere so you grabbing it will muck things up pretty good. Another possibility is he notices it grabbed from him and then just drops it in th enext cache he finds even though it isn't in his inventory so it is now misplaced.


These discussions usually occur in the TB forum where this may be moved so it can be surrounded by other incidents.


2. People who find a TB in the circumstances you describe should wait days to see if it gets dropped then retrieve it from a cache.


Me when I did deal with trackballs I felt that if I have it I can put it in my inventory;


Let the discussion begin.

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Off course you are entitled to your own opinions. But please, my message was a bug report. So don't write:


I don't think that e-nmails have ever been generated when a grab occurs.

Please write: "I never had a trackable grabbed, so I don't know if emails where generated".


As a matter of fact only this year (up until October) I've received 31 of such e-mails


The circumstance you described happens occasionally (...)

Wether three times a month is occasionally is a matter of debate.


and has been the subject of a great deal of discussion.

Again this is a bug report, not a discussion about the merits of grabbing a trackable. But I will try to answer


You don't say how long between the cache you were at and when you got home. Are you talking hours or days?

I didn't write that, but I did offer some links, from those you can deduce, the trackable was grabbed within a few hours.


The discussion will go in several directions

Not a discussion, a bug report, I want to receive those e-mails.


1. You should write down the code when you drop it off so you can grab it and put it in the cache.

I do write down the code, but sometimes I make a mistake. Usually that doesn't matter, because when I write down: TBGODE, and I have a TB with code TBCODE I can deduce which code I was, but when that TB has been grabbed, I have no hint anymore what TB I should select.


Let the discussion begin.


No, let's solve this bug. To get back to my original question:


How do I get those mails back in my mailbox?



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Since a few week I don't receive any e-mails when a trackable I hold is grabbed by another cacher....


Please enable (or tell me how to enable) these e-mails again.


To receive emails about a trackable that you do not own, put it on watch.


only this year (up until October) I've received 31 of such e-mails


I assume 31 e-mails about trackables you own.

You don't receive email about a trackable in your inventory, unless you own it.


Oddly, even on trackables you do own, you receive no email when a cacher holding your item "visits" it.

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I assume 31 e-mails about trackables you own.

You don't receive email about a trackable in your inventory, unless you own it.



No this not true. If you have a trackable in in your inventory and someone grabs it before you can log your drop, you get a message with the title: [LOG] Holder: XXX grabbed Trackable XXX from "your geocache nick".


In the message the text:

This is an automated message from Geocaching.com


You are receiving this email because you are currently listed as the holder of this Travel Bug.


XXX grabbed TB XXX from your geocaching nick on date.


Log Date: xxx

bla bla bla (log of grabber)


Visit this log entry


Visit TB


Happy geocaching,

Geocaching HQ

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No this not true. If you have a trackable in in your inventory and someone grabs it before you can log your drop, you get a message with the title: [LOG] Holder: XXX grabbed Trackable XXX from "your geocache nick".


irisisleuk, thanks for coming into the thread with this.

Apparently it's never happened to me that someone grabbed a trackable out of my inventory.


I can verify that there is no email NOW for this case, so evidently there has been a recent change.


One can only hope that the bug report is noticed and acted on.


Apologies to have come into the thread with misinformation.

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