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Originally posted by BrianSnat:

I thought someone was joking, or mistaken when they said that he was now an approver.


_"An appeaser is one who keeps feeding a crocodile-hoping it will eat him last" -Winston Churchill_


Actually Brian, I'm pretty sure he is.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.

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Originally posted by RobertM:

"...What ever happened to these threads?






I wonder if MrGigaFakeFindBlameCoWorker has been faking any more pictures lately? Any cache police following up on him?..."

Unpleasantness almost as annoying as those who have nothing better to do with their time than to dredge it up again by starting identical threads in different forums within an hour of each other (see 'Canada' board).


It's just a freakin' game ...move on.



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Mopar wrote:

Actually Brian, I'm pretty sure he is.

This is true. And in a recent conversation with this guy, he told me "the local people around here need to be nice to me or their caches might not get approved". He can deny this as much as he wants but I'm not the only person that he's said this to.


He gets miffed everytime that he can't find a cache -- and sends abusive e-mails to the cache owners telling them that they know nothing about placing a cache.


He has contacted several people and criticized their caches before even doing them.


He has been responsible for having at least one cache archived because he screamed like a spoiled brat that a cache with a terrain rating of 4.5 was too dangerous. Not only for himself, but for everyone, including those that had previously logged the cache and wrote in their logs expressing what a great cache it was.


He screwed up several months back and made a number of bogus logs by faking photographs. He got caught. But several people said that they could forget the incident if he removed all of his fake logs. An opportunity to redeem himself by doing the right thing. He made some gestures towards doing so but went only part way. It's obvious that he learned nothing from that experience. His deception runs deep -- he posted a log for a locationless called Ship out of Water -- the cache requires a ship, but there is no ship here -- the photo was taken in a deceiving manner that looks like there is a ship. It's only a small stern section of what's left of a ship -- the real ship was sunk a year earlier and made into a scuba diving reef!


He has posted some pretty severe spoilers on cache logs. On one recent occasion, in what I assume was an attempt to show me how clever he is, he e-mailed me a map with the final location of a multi marked out -- I had not asked for this information and was dissapointed that he had disclosed the cache location to me before I had a chance to do do it for myself. Incidentally, I've worked with Photoshop professionally since the very first version of the program, and from the maps that he had drawn and sent me, he knows enough about photoshop to have faked the previous photos himself.


Some of you may be wondering why all this is being brought out -- we're just damned fed up with this guy ruining caching for everyone here. He is an egotist who is constantly creating problems and threatening people. He lies. He talks behind people's backs. He calls people names (everyone with a big flashlight is a 'suckhole'). He frequently sends inflammatory and hurtful e-mails to local cachers. He posts spoilers in his logs. He goes on about how he's the only one around here that contributes anything to caching. He chastizes others when he can't find a cache. He is a bully. How someone with these ethics became an approver for this site is beyond my comprehension.


Go ahead Mr.Fakefind, tell them that I'm making all of this up. Tell me again to remove my post and to write something nice about you (really folks, he demanded that I do this -- he made the same demand to someone else as well).


You need to humble yourself and stop taking the fun away from others. Either that or just go away all together. There are quite a number of others around here who feel the same way that I do. You're ruining the fun for others and we've had enough.



[This message was edited by Jomarac5 on April 01, 2003 at 09:39 AM.]

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Originally posted by Jomarac5:

"...This is true. And in a recent conversation with this guy, he told me "the local people around here need to be nice to me or their caches might not get approved"..." (and so on, and so on)

If all of this is indeed true, why not simply make your case to TPTB and let them assess/determine/act...? We can vent and rant in the forums until our fingers cramp up but, when it comes down to it, there's only one person who can pull someone's plug on this particular website. If things are as bad as you say with this individual, Jeremy should have been receiving 'event specific' complaint emails from numerous GeoCachers all along.

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Originally posted by Jomarac5:

Mopar wrote:

Actually Brian, I'm pretty sure he is.

This is true.


This is not true. MrGigabyte was an approver for a short time but isn't one now.


MrGigabyte in the past apologized many times for creating the fake photographs. "Deception runs deep?" Give me a break. Did this incident affect you profoundly? Call the calvary folks, someone posted a fake log.


Unlike yourself, I personally met him at a picnic last year and know the person more than just by a few posts in the forums. He was just being silly with the photographs and it was totally blown out of proportion. So lets let this lame thread die, shall we?


As for an email you may have sent me in the past, I don't recall it. However when I do receive an email with concerns about the safety of a cache I archive it immediately and resolve the situation after the owner has a chance to respond. The exception would be if you decide after this post to start emailing the site with wise guy comments about caches just because you have sour grapes.


frog.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location™

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His actions do effect everyone here. He's sending answers to caches without anyone asking for them. He's writing spoilers in his logs. He's calling cachers very unflattering and insulting names.


Kind of spoils the fun, don't you think?


He deleted at least one note on a cache page that was referenced by another cacher this morning. Kind of makes one wonder why, doesn't it?


You indicate that he's not an approver anymore. That's fine. When he was an approver, he threatened more than one person about having their caches approved if they weren't nice to him. Is this acceptable? Is that the kind of person that you want representing your site?


He is berating local cachers with his caustic e-mails when he can't find a cache. He's been downright rude and he is a bully.


I have not met him personally but I have had a number of e-mail exchanges and a few telephone conversations with him. He tried to bully me on the phone in one instance.


So he is not an approver anymore. But he's still disrupting things around here and taking the fun away from others.


Perhaps instead of looking at me as the bad guy, you should have a talk with your friend and urge him to change his unpopular attitude.


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Originally posted by Jomarac5:

His actions do effect everyone here. He's sending answers to caches without anyone asking for them. He's writing spoilers in his logs. He's calling cachers very unflattering and insulting names.


Kind of spoils the fun, don't you think?.

I understand your reaction to any name calling that may be happening, thats just not cool icon_frown.gif. But as for posting spoilers... If the cache owner(s) don't care, why are you so concerned? icon_confused.gif



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Originally posted by welch:


I understand your reaction to any name calling that may be happening, thats just not cool icon_frown.gif. But as for posting spoilers... If the cache owner(s) don't care, why are you so concerned?


Ya, we all know every cache owner is very good about keeping up the caches and following up on the cache logs. Yeesh.


smiles_63.gif ---Real men cache in shorts.

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Originally posted by Jomarac5:

His actions do effect everyone here. He's sending answers to caches without anyone asking for them. He's writing spoilers in his logs. He's calling cachers very unflattering and insulting names.


He indicated he didn't call anyone names or threaten anyone, and the only namecalling I've seen so far has been from you. Unless there are some emails to substantiate your allegations we have to take them with a grain of salt. I brought this up before to you and I have yet to get anything from you.


To take action on any allegations I need proof. Until you can provide any proof there really isn't much we can do.


I'm not sure where you've become a bad guy but it's pretty frustrating when you're accusing someone of something, there is no email exchange that I've ever seen, and you continuously beat a dead horse and airing your issues that 99.9% of the geocaching community would care less about. Perhaps you should focus more on geocaching than petty issues like this.


frog.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location™

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